Tiramisu Wallet is based on TAP deamon

Lengkeng Amis
5 min readFeb 20, 2024


TAP (Taproot Asset Protocol) or Taproot assets often involve a dual-layered system where information related to the asset is split between on-chain and off-chain components. This setup provides a balance between transparency and privacy while maintaining flexibility and scalability.

This part of the asset information is stored directly on the blockchain. It usually includes essential details such as the asset’s issuance, ownership, and transaction history. These on-chain data are accessible to anyone who can query the blockchain and are crucial for maintaining the integrity and immutability of the asset ledger.

The off-chain component consists of additional metadata or information related to the asset that is not stored directly on the blockchain. Instead, it’s managed and maintained by the owners of the asset or other parties involved in its management. This off-chain data can include sensitive information such as ownership identities, transaction details, or additional attributes of the asset.

Off-chain data can include sensitive information that asset owners may prefer to keep private, such as transaction details or asset attributes. By storing this information off-chain, users can maintain a higher level of privacy while still benefiting from the security and immutability of on-chain transactions.

Storing all asset information directly on the blockchain can lead to scalability challenges, especially as the volume of transactions and assets increases. By offloading some data to off-chain storage, the burden on the blockchain is reduced, allowing for more efficient and scalable asset management.

Off-chain storage provides flexibility for asset owners to manage additional information or implement custom features without being constrained by the limitations of on-chain data storage. This allows for greater innovation and customization in asset management solutions.

The combination of on-chain and off-chain components in TAP or Taproot asset protocols a balance between transparency, privacy, scalability, and flexibility, making it a powerful framework for managing digital assets on blockchain networks.

Taproot Assets Protocol Features

The Taproot upgrade, which was activated on the Bitcoin network, introduced various improvements and features, including enhancements to Bitcoin’s scripting capabilities. This upgrade enables the implementation of various protocols and applications, including the Taproot Assets Protocol. The Taproot Assets Protocol allows for the representation of both fungible assets (such as alternative cryptocurrencies or tokens) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Bitcoin blockchain.

  1. Fungible Assets: With Taproot, it’s possible to create tokens that represent fungible assets. These tokens can be used to represent alternative cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, or any other assets that can be divided into smaller units and traded interchangeably on the blockchain. Fungible tokens on Bitcoin can facilitate various use cases, such as tokenized assets, decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, and more.
  2. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): Taproot also the creation and management of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Bitcoin blockchain. NFTs are unique digital assets that represent ownership of a specific item, artwork, collectible, or any other unique asset. Each NFT has a distinct identity and cannot be replicated or exchanged on a one-to-one basis like fungible tokens. NFTs on Bitcoin can be used for digital art, gaming assets, intellectual property, and other unique digital assets.

The Taproot upgrade enhances Bitcoin’s scripting capabilities, making it more flexible and efficient for implementing various smart contract protocols, including those for tokenization and asset representation. By leveraging Taproot, developers and users can create and interact with a wide range of digital assets on the Bitcoin blockchain, expanding its utility beyond simple currency transactions.

The Taproot upgrade opens up new possibilities for building decentralized applications, tokenizing assets, and creating innovative solutions within the Bitcoin ecosystem, including the representation of both fungible and non-fungible assets.

Taproot Assets and Lightning

Taproot introduces various improvements to Bitcoin’s scripting capabilities, including the potential for representing both fungible assets (currencies) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), the ability to transact these assets on the Lightning Network is not yet fully supported or implemented.

The Taproot upgrade Taproot enables the creation and management of NFTs on the Bitcoin blockchain. However, due to the unique nature of NFTs and their individual ownership, characteristics, and metadata, they are typically not suitable for transacting on the Lightning Network. NFT transactions often require specific on-chain interactions to ensure authenticity, uniqueness, and ownership transfer, which are not easily replicated in the Lightning Network’s off-chain payment channels. for the creation and representation of fungible assets on the Bitcoin blockchain. These assets can theoretically be transferred using Lightning Network channels, enabling faster and more scalable transactions off-chain.

Tiramisu wallet allows users to hold and transfer assets

Tiramisu Wallet offers a user-friendly web interface that allows users to hold and transfer assets without the need to install and set up additional software components like tarod (the TAP daemon) or a Lightning Network node.

This approach can provide convenience and accessibility for users who may not be familiar with setting up and managing complex software components. By offering a web-based interface, Tiramisu Wallet simplifies the user experience and lowers the barrier to entry for interacting with digital assets on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Tiramisu Wallet may integrate with other services, platforms, or protocols within the Bitcoin ecosystem, providing additional functionality and interoperability for users. and users can access the wallet and manage their assets directly through a web browser, without the need to download or install additional software. This makes it more accessible to a broader range of users, including those who may not be technically inclined.

Tiramisu Wallet may incorporate security features such as encryption, multi-factor authentication, and secure communication protocols to protect users’ funds and sensitive information. Users can hold and transfer various types of assets, including fungible assets (currencies) and potentially non-fungible tokens (NFTs), directly through the web interface, streamlining the asset management process.


Taproot Assets, often referred to as TAP, is indeed not a separate blockchain or token standard like ERC-20. Instead, Taproot is a Bitcoin improvement proposal (BIP) that introduces enhancements to Bitcoin’s scripting capabilities, enabling the implementation of various protocols and applications directly on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Taproot Assets Protocol allows for the representation of both fungible assets (such as alternative cryptocurrencies or tokens) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Bitcoin blockchain. These assets are not separate blockchains but are instead represented and managed within the Bitcoin network using Taproot’s scripting features.

It’s important to distinguish Taproot and Taproot Assets from other projects or tokens, such as TARI or $TARO token, which may have their own distinct protocols, blockchains, or token standards. Each project or token operates independently and may serve different use cases or purposes within the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

For more information:

Website | Telegram | Twitter

Mainnet Tiramisu wallet

1, https://mainnet.tiramisuwallet.com/

2. https://mainnet.tiramisuwallet.com/walletapp/currencies_public/2

3. https://twitter.com/TiramisuWallet


Bitcointalk Username: venuza
BitcoinTalk Profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3406667
Wallet Address: bc1qj2pneqdm9zkarpmp4u92msgf6wmxfa99f9u4n2

