NODY has been listed on CoinGecko

Lengkeng Amis
3 min readJun 28, 2022

Today’s Nody Token price is $0.00113, which is down 1% over the last 24 hours. Nody Token market cap is unknown. 24 hour NODY volume is $29,760. It has a market cap rank of 4836. Nody Token is traded on 1 exchange, with the top exchange being PancakeSwap V2 ($29,789). Over the last day, Nody Token has had 100% transparent volume and has been trading on 2 active markets with its highest volume trading pair being BUSD ($29,789).

Nody Token Statistics

  • Price


Price Change

-$0.0000072 (-0.63%)

  • All-Time High


Date of ATH Unknown

Days Since ATH N/A

% of ATH Unknown

NODY Awesome project and strong team, in a predictable and transparent road map, planned and projected. I think in the near future I will see an unprecedented growth of this. This Project looks promising. I hope for the success of the team and the community supporting this project and I hope that it will last a long time. Good luck to the project!

The Project will be a huge success thanks to a strong and dedicated team, and of course an excellent product! Great idea! I recommend that everyone, Look it will make an amazing things in future With all advantages and solid team.

I hope this project will run smoothly and have great success in the future.That one of the best projects forever.

The Tokenomics of Nody

Nody is the blockchain that powers the Nodynium Network. The Nodynium Network is a decentralized content-sharing platform powered by the Nody token. Nody is an ERC-20 token. The Nodynium Network provides a highly secure and private decentralized storage system and a decentralized content-sharing platform. The Nody token will be used as a payment method within the Nody application. With a built-in escrow system, buyers and sellers can trade with confidence. In addition, Nody is a multimedia platform that rewards users for interacting with content, creating content, and curating content. No matter what role you choose to play in the Nody ecosystem, you will be rewarded for your efforts.

While building blockchain platforms that can be adopted by the mainstream, it’s important to understand the importance of tokenomics. While cryptography is important to create a secure distributed ledger, economics play a crucial role in the adoption of these systems. In order to get people to use any system, it has to be economically viable. The value of the token is what determines its price, and hence, the incentive to participate in the system. The incentive to use a blockchain is the token.

Nody is a decentralized blockchain platform that offers a new age of digital trading. The platform is designed to solve the problems of the current trading platforms. This is done with a community-based approach that is designed to empower its users. On the Nody platform, users can trade in a trusted and transparent environment.

The Nody Blockchain will be the first blockchain platform to be used to process transactions in the real world. Nody Blockchain is a company that has started up with the goal of making luxury watches affordable to everyone. Their solution is to use a blockchain ledger to make sure that they can guarantee the authenticity of their products without having to sell them at an extortionate price. This allows them to make the most of the market and supply a market that is currently unexploited.



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